Order # 6418
Richard Mac DeMay, MD
Available as an eBook or Book/eBook Bundle!
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Likely to be “Mac” DeMay’s final guidebook in the realm of cytologic diagnosis, the new beautifully illustrated, informative and very practical Book of Cells is the ideal companion for the everyday diagnostic practice of pathologists and medical lab professionals.
Dr. DeMay’s books are highly respected and renowned for their Illuminating text and brilliant images. This portable reference guide condenses and updates the encyclopedic information contained in the iconic four-volume Art & Science of Cytopathology, 2nd Edition, making it the perfect handy reference guidebook for every lab.
- More than 2,600 high resolution photomicrographs
- 1,000+ lists of quick reference data and key diagnostic findings
- Condensed format is less than 600 pages
- More heavily annotated images for faster comprehension of crucial features
- A beautiful and highly practical book for everyday diagnostic practice
592 pages | 2,685 Images | Hardbound
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